Blog : What's new ?

03.172021CIVA can now process TFM data from TPAC!Category "CIVA Software" | No comment

CIVA Analysis TPAC compatibility

After becoming compatible with PRELUDE format last year, CIVA Analysis can now read TFM images obtained with ARIA or TOKATA software (and saved with *.h5 extension) from TPAC, The Phased Array Company.

A plugin has been developed and is available for free to all CIVA users in the upcoming CIVA 2020 SP4 version.

This new step makes CIVA Analysis the reference multi-format UT analysis software. All CIVA UT users can work with a single software on the analysis of many different acquisition data formats.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, and hurry up to renew your maintenance or purchase a license to benefit from this unique analysis software!

All features of CIVA Analysis are also included in a current license of CIVA UT!

The EXTENDE team.

03.102021Metamodels - A smart tool for inspection performance assessmentCategory "CIVA Software" | No comment

Performance assessment with metamodels

NDE inspection performance depends on many influential parameters.

It is difficult to precisely assess them with experimental trials, as all these parameter combinations would represent thousands of situations.

With simulation, and even moreso with metamodels available in CIVA software, you can reach this multi-dimensional analysis level.

Based on a simple UT inspection example, discover through this video the tools that can help you go one step further in your design, optimization or reliability studies in NDE. See the effects of slight changes in probe position, refracted angle and other parameters on amplitude results. This CIVA example only required 2 hours of computation, on a simple computer!

These metamodel features are included with the purchase of CIVA UT, ET, RT/CT and GWT modules.

Feel free to contact us if you need to have more information about CIVA and metamodels.

The EXTENDE team.

About Extende

We believe that high quality and innovative Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) will make our world a safer place and will help preserve the environment.

Therefore, our mission is to bring the benefits of Simulation and NDE Development Methodology to the NDE Community.

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