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10.262015New video on EXTENDE's YouTube channel : CIVA UT - Bimetallic weld inspectionCategory "CIVA Software" | No comment

EXTENDE's YouTube channel

new video has been added on EXTENDE'S YOUTUBE CHANNEL.

In this video, you will see some features of CIVA ULTRASOUND MODULE used to simulate Bimetallic weld inspection

In CIVA, you can model a bimetallic weld, each material having different properties, including noise and attenuation. The comparison or the noise evaluation are available with the embedded tools.

Take a look below!

EXTENDE's team technical tip: to focus or not to focusCategory "NDT Consulting and Techniques" | No comment

Tech tip Ed Ginzel

Ed Ginzel, retired consultant with Materials Research Institute, active member of the community and CIVA user, explains in a technical tip  why a focused beam should not be used for general weld inspection.

His demonstration based on CIVA simulation can be downloaded here. It shows that the increase of sensitivity due to focusing is done at the expense of reducing sensitivity in the weld/HAZ zone, thereby requiring the operator to use more receiver gain in the TCG construction in the region of interest. As a result of the increased beam spread that occurs after the focal point, there is reduced beam resolution.  Therefore, closely spaced indications are more difficult to resolve.

This tip is open to discussion in the forum. Don’t hesitate participating!

The EXTENDE's team

About Extende

We believe that high quality and innovative Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) will make our world a safer place and will help preserve the environment.

Therefore, our mission is to bring the benefits of Simulation and NDE Development Methodology to the NDE Community.

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