17.112015EXTENDE supports the Global CompactCategory "Miscellaneous"

The commitment to the Global Compact is an initiative born from management, but it has very quickly brought about the enthusiasm of the company's employees. The aim was to engage the company not only in a process of social responsibility but also to attract new talent by promoting corporate ethics by emphasizing our commitment to social causes.
For EXTENDE, respect of others, of their values and environment are synonymous with modernity and pride for the entire team.
In October 2012, just two years after its creation, EXTENDE embarked on this adventure. Our commitment has allowed us to formalize an already present mindset in our organization, respect for otherness and values of responsibility towards employees, customers and the environment.
EXTENDE, created in January 2010, is the exclusive distributor of CIVA simulation software for Non Destructive Testing, developed by the CEA EA (Commissariat for Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies).
This year, for the third time, we are committed to support and obide by the ten principles of the Global Compact, related to the topics of Environment, Labor, Human Rights and the Fight against corruption.
You can find our COP online, available HERE or on our WEBSITE
The EXTENDE team
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