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02.062020CIVA 2020 free online webinarCategory "CIVA Software" | No comment

Free webinar
CIVA 2020 has been released last November and has been delivered to all users with a valid maintenance contract. We hope you enjoy this new version. We have made a few posts on our blog and on LinkedIn to introduce some of the new features, such as integrated tool for DAC curves and TCG computation, further integration of FEM tools within CIVA UT, dedicated environment for nozzle UT inspection, linear scan module in RT and CT, new defect profiles in ET, and more.

You will also have the opportunity to discover this new release in more details during the free online webinars we will be holding soon.
Come join us on the 18th February at 9 a.m. CET, or on the 20th February at 5 p.m. CET. You can register here. During these one hour sessions, we will present to you the capabilities of CIVA, and you will be able to interact via the chat and ask questions at the end of the presentation.
The EXTENDE team

01.302020CIVA 2020 - MetamodelsCategory "CIVA Software" | No comment


To understand and quantify the impact of influential parameters on an NDT inspection in the framework of a qualification, a design or an optimization study, simulation in CIVA is particularly well adapted since it is easy and fast to precisely change and monitor parameters. Surrogate models or metamodels, calculated from a database of simulations, go one step forward with the possibility to resample on demand and in real time and a multiparametric data set.

Another significant improvement in CIVA 2020 relates to these metamodels, which had been introduced in CIVA 2017 for ET and UT modules. Metamodels are now also available in the RT and GWT modules. The metamodels can now also be used for the full signal and not just on a single component of the maximum signal obtained on a single defect. For instance in UT, it means that you can access all scanning positions, all shots (with PA UT probes), and the full temporal waveform in the metamodel analysis environment.

The EXTENDE team

About Extende

We believe that high quality and innovative Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) will make our world a safer place and will help preserve the environment.

Therefore, our mission is to bring the benefits of Simulation and NDE Development Methodology to the NDE Community.

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