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06.302015Reverse engineering for Dual element probesCategory "NDT Consulting and Techniques" | No comment

In the framework of your NDT/NDE activity, you are working on a UT inspection with a procedure requiring the use of one or more probes with a separate Transmitter and Receiver (TRL probes). You would like to utilize the benefits of CIVA modeling software, but you’re not sure of some input parameters required in the CIVA Graphical User Interface for such probes, or you do not know which numerical values should be defined in order to accurately model your probes and get relevant simulations. Don’t worry, EXTENDE can provide you with a probe setting file ready to load in CIVA and based on experimental data. You just need to provide us with some data measured with the real probe as well as some basic information about it. We can definitely help you; do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

05.202015Patch soon available for CIVA 2015Category "CIVA Software" | No comment

The “PATCH A” for CIVA 2015 will be released next month (June 2015). Four months after the distribution of CIVA 2015, this patch will fix various bugs related to data analysis and modeling. Even if the exact content is not yet confirmed, we can announce some topics which should be improved with this patch:

  • A “probe delay” value will be available in the preference options
  • Improvement of specimen reconstructed views in cylindrical geometries
  • Several issues and improvements related to analysis and import of Gekko data files
  • Of course, many other various bug fixes

You will receive from EXTENDE all necessary information to download and install this patch as soon as it is officially available.

About Extende

We believe that high quality and innovative Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) will make our world a safer place and will help preserve the environment.

Therefore, our mission is to bring the benefits of Simulation and NDE Development Methodology to the NDE Community.

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