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11.2020182019 training catalogCategory "CIVA Software" | No comment

CIVA Training

Want to include NDE simulation in your 2019 training? 

Our schedule and catalog of classes is now online, with classes offered in the US and France

Have a look here

The Extende team

10.122018Experts approve the "Reliability in NDE" trainingCategory "NDT Consulting and Techniques" | No comment

Reliability in NDE training session

EXTENDE delivered its first session of the Reliability in NDE training from October 9th to 11th 2018 to a group of experts, who expressed their satisfaction.

We warmly thank Messrs. Thomas Goursolle and Frédéric Jenson from SAFRAN, Etienne Martin and Loïc de Roumilly from EDF, Antoine Rouhan from BV, and Thierry Sollier from IRSN for attending this session and providing their comments in order to further improve its content. These three days were intense and rich in constructive discussions.

The session has been hosted by Fabrice Foucher, assisted by Bastien Clausse, and our partners Antoine Dumas from PHIMECA and Xavier Artusi from CEA.

The next session in English English will be organized from April 9th to 11th 2019 in our head office in Massy, contact us to book a seat!

More info about the content of this training course can be found on this page.

About Extende

We believe that high quality and innovative Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) will make our world a safer place and will help preserve the environment.

Therefore, our mission is to bring the benefits of Simulation and NDE Development Methodology to the NDE Community.

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